Before reading any more of my own words, I would like for you to look at the image below and really think about what you see.
What I see is the spread of information at its best. I see Twitter functioning as the way it was intended. Information to and from Libya and Egypt are possible because of a widely used service like Twitter, where updates come straight to your mobile phone. This is information revolution, and we all know information is power. None of the tweets we make or retweet is particularly activism, but it's a step in the right direction.
The more I see about these revolutions around the world, the more I get worried about my own country: not because I see parallels to the violent protests, but because I don't see much of any similarities in the people's ultimate action. We are at an impasse and nothing is working because nobody is willing to consider the 'other side.' The keys are education and balance, but we need to do something to get to the point where we can rationally and clear minded-ly cooperate and talk about these things.
Unfortunately with how our society works, a real revolution will never happen again on American soil (so long as we're not invaded and taken over [which I doubt, considering we spend over ten times as much on defense than we do education {source}]). Majority of the population is too lost in their fantasy worlds, either through money or through television, to be willing to go out in hopes of making a difference. We are not willing to band together because we view ourselves as too different, and it would take a great deal of discomfort in order to make it happen (and we value individuality, and comfort/luxury over all). A people's revolution would require us to destroy our schedules and do something "dangerous." Practically nobody is willing to do it, not even myself (especially if I'm the only one).
At what point will we become so desperate that our only choice is to fight back? Or at that point, will it just be learned helplessness? Are we really just going to roll over and take it?
I, for one, love all the protests that are going on in Wisconsin. Totally barring unions is unnecessary in solving economic issues. People's jobs, their only means of survival in the land of the rich, are at stake. They are taking a stand. And it's beautiful. I want this momentum to keep going. We need real change and we need it now.
There are so many other problems I want to tackle, but I have to stop now. I get much too angry and, for my mentality's sake, I cannot handle anymore. All I can hope is that others will start thinking. And after some enlightenment, they will take action.
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